DAM in 2021 and Beyond: Content Atomization for The Future

Content Building Blocks

Content is only getting more and more important as customer experience quickly becomes a key differentiator for brands in all kinds of industries. Creating that content, taking it from the kernel of an idea into digital (or physical!) reality, takes a lot of time and resources.

Most brands, regardless of industry, are spending between 30 and 40% of their annual marketing budgets on creating content that is sometimes only used a single time in a single campaign and possibly in a single channel.

Marketing teams can do better. How?

Smartly reusing the content that they already have. With content atomization, and with a digital asset management system, marketing teams can reuse content extremely effectively.

Using DAM to find and reuse content

One of the biggest barriers to realizing those content reuse gains is actually finding the content to reuse. That’s where having a powerful digital asset management system is essential to bringing your team’s content development into the future.

In this webinar with Lisa Grimm of Novartis, Aprimo’s Ed Breault talks about the evolution of DAM to not only streamline and automate creative work but to make the process faster through what we call experience building blocks to easily locate and deploy content into all of their channels.

Beyond realizing very real financial gains, using DAM to optimize your content development is the way of the future. Don’t get left behind!

Watch the webinar

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