Intelligent Content Operations 

Where self-managed assets empower business. 

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Forrester DAM Wave Badge 2024

Aprimo is a Leader in Digital Asset Management 

Aprimo received the highest scores possible in 17 out of 26 criteria, including Search, Innovation, Vision, Workflows, Security, and Scalability.


Stop wasting time on manual, repetitive tasks. Leverage the widest range of automations to drive efficiency across teams. Eliminate manual content management tasks including, metadata entry, review workflows, content creation/editing, and delivery.

Single Source Collaboration ​ 

A more dynamic experience than basic storage. Turn your single source of truth into your single source of collaboration, supporting the entire content lifecycle with integrated resource management, marketing budgeting, planning, review, and analytics.

Intelligent Search 

Spend less time searching and more time doing. With almost one billion asset searches per year, Aprimo is advancing search with an intelligent search experience. Leverage AI-based contextual search and recommendations to discover assets faster than ever before.

Asset links

Modular Content  

Streamline workflows and increase asset reuse. Our unique modular content approach creates personalized experiences by breaking high-value content into its smallest, re-usable form. Speed time-to-market with deep links and relationships to creative assets and content within layouts.

Rights Management

Secure your brand, don’t just manage rights. Go beyond rights inheritance from your DRM to the DAM. Automatically detect use of AI in asset creation to trigger reviews and notify users when assets or components expire.

AI Content Detection
Audit Trail


What took months is now possible in minutes. Create dynamic, real-time visibility for assets and metadata. Whether it’s content, tasks, or campaigns – we maintain a detailed audit trail with metadata making it easy to respond to audit requests.

Key Features

Simple TCO 

One price, no additional fees for advanced features, sites/portals, and configurations. 


Content types, metadata fields, and asset relationships specific to company, brand, or industry. 

Time to Value 

Shorter implementation times ensure faster solution value for any use case. 

Global Delivery 

Global application accessibility and high-speed delivery including in-country China CDN. 

Securely Trained AI 

Aprimo AI is trained securely on only your own assets to create, edit, or review content. 

Customer Success 

Work with the best people, process and partners for world-class content operations.   

Let us tell you why we’re the best choice.